

  • Refund � POS

i. Refund orders through cash

  1. To refund, Click on the Menu on the top left of the screen.
  2. Click �Orders� from the Menu as shown below.
  3. It will take you to the orders list as shown below.
  4. Select the order to refund.
  5. Edit order page is shown. Scroll down to order details.
  6. Click on the refund button.
  7. Enter the refund amount and reason for refund which is optional as shown below.
  8. Click �Refund $Amount manually� button.
  9. A dialogue box will appear to confirm the refund. Click OK.
  10. The order detail page will show the refunded amount in Red.

ii. Refund orders though card

  1. Follow the same as Refund through cash from steps 1 through 10.
  2. To refund payments through card, once you click OK, It will redirect you to the assigned card reader and follow the steps to refund as per the card reader.
  3. Once refund processed successfully, the refunded amount will be displayed in red.